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50mm Diameter Unmounted 0.04-1.0 OD, Circular Variable Neutral Density (ND) Filter

Unmounted Circular Variable Neutral Density (ND) Filters

Stock #43-763 3-5 days
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Neutral Density Filter
Linearity (%):

Physical & Mechanical Properties

Inner Diameter (mm):
Outer Diameter (mm):
Thickness (mm):
Thickness Tolerance (mm):
Parallelism (arcmin):
Dimensional Tolerance (mm):
±0.10 ID, ±0.20 OD

Optical Properties

Angle of Incidence (°):
Optical Density OD (Average):
0.04 - 1.0
Substrate: Many glass manufacturers offer the same material characteristics under different trade names. Learn More
Surface Quality:
Blocking Wavelength Range (nm):
400 - 700
Optical Density Tolerance (%):
Coating Specification:
Continuously Variable Inconel from 0 - 270°

Threading & Mounting


Regulatory Compliance

Reach 181:
RoHS 2015:
Certificate of Conformance:

Product Details

  • Continuously Variable Over 270°
  • Spectrally Flat from 400-700nm
  • Mounted and Unmounted Versions Available

Circular Variable Neutral Density (ND) Filters are continuously variable over 270° of the filter. These filters provide linear attenuation of incident light by rotating the filter. Designed to be spectrally flat from 400 to 700nm, they provide excellent attenuation for spectrometers and other optical instruments. Circular Variable Neutral Density (ND) Filters, with a durable anodized aluminum mount, have an indicator arrow that accurately identifies the angular position of the filter for increased repeatability. The 50mm OD filters are available mounted or unmounted. The 360° rotating mount comes complete with a 4" Length, 0.5" Diameter stainless steel post. 

Technical Information

Optical Density
  25.4mm Outer Diameter (OD)
7.5mm Inner Diameter (ID)
50.0mm Outer Diameter (OD)
7.5mm Inner Diameter (ID)
100.0mm Outer Diameter (OD)
25.4mm Inner Diameter (ID)
50.0mm Outer Diameter (OD)
7.5mm Inner Diameter (ID)
0.04-1.0 #43-759 #43-763 #43-767 #54-534
0.04-2.0 #43-760 #43-764 #43-768 #54-535
0.04-3.0 #43-761 #43-765 #43-769 #54-536
0.04-4.0 #43-762 #43-766 #43-770 #54-537


Title CompareStock Number  Price Buy
Circular Variable Filter Mount Only, 50mm Diameter #54-570 A$339.20 Qty 11+ A$305.60   Request Quote
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50mm Diameter Substrate for Circular Variable Filter #47-376 A$97.60 Qty 11+ A$88.00   Request Quote
  • 3-5 days

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