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Edmund Optics®

Knowledge Center

 Verified library of trusted technical resources created by our 240+ global engineers.

Knowledge Center Resources (446)


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Absolute Efficiency

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Acceptance Angle

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Achromatic Lens

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Achromatic Objective

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Achromatic Singlet Lenses

Novel aspheric lenses that correct for chromatic focal shift using a unique geometry rather than multiple substrate materials connected together.

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Airy Disk

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Amici Prism

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Analog Signal

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Angle of Incidence

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Angle of Reflection

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Angle Tolerance

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Angular Field of View (AFOV)

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Anti-Reflection (AR) Coating

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Aperture (f/#)

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Aperture Stop

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Argon-Ion Laser

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Aspect Ratio

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Aspheric Lens

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Automatic Gain Control (AGC)

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Average Extinction

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Axial Illumination

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