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Ultra Narrow Hard Coated Bandpass Filters

Ultra Narrow Bandpass Filters

Ultra Narrow Bandpass Filters
  • >90% Transmission at Design Wavelength
  • Up to >OD 8 Blocking Across Blocking Range
  • As Narrow as <0.5nm Full Width-Half Max

Ultra Narrow Hard Coated Bandpass Filters are ideal for use as laser line, laser cleanup, or laser excitation filters in demanding medical and laser applications. These hard coated narrowband filters are manufactured with state of the art plasma deposition processes, which ensure high resistance to laser damage and a high level of performance over a long period of time. Depending on the wavelength range and system requirements, these Ultra Narrow Hard Coated Bandpass Filters will provide up to 98% peak transmission, up to OD 10 blocking by design, center wavelength tolerances as tight a 0.05nm, FWHM bandwidths <1nm, and extremely steep edges with an ultra-flat passband profile. Typical applications for these ultra narrowband filters include fluorescence microscopy, flow cytometry, real time DNA sequencing, and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) diagnostic instruments.

Note: These filters are optimized for high spectral performance rather than high Laser Induced Damage Thresholds (LIDT). A typical LIDT for these filters is 1 J/cm2 @ 532nm, 10ns. Please contact us if you require a filter with a higher LIDT value.

Common Specifications

Mounted in Black Anodized Ring
Substrate Thickness (mm):
Angle of Incidence (°):
Hard Coated


Dia. (mm) CWL (nm) FWHM (nm)  Minimum Transmission (%)   Blocking Wavelength Range (nm)   Substrate Thickness (mm)   Compare   Stock Number   Price  Buy
25.40 354.78 0.50 >70 200 - 335, 375 - 1200 2.00
25.40 532.00 1.20 >95 200 - 520, 544 - 1200 2.00
25.00 780.00 1.20
Additional Bandwidths
>90 390 - 769, 791 - 1000 2.00
25.00 1,031.20 0.60 >85 1042 - 1130, 940 - 1020 2.00
25.30 1,064.00 1.20 >90 300 - 1037, 1092 - 1100 2.00
25.00 1,550.60 2.00 >90 900 - 1533, 1569 - 1650 2.00

Technical Information