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Schwarz Mirrors

Schwarz Mirrors

Schwarz Mirrors

  • Engineered Highly- Absorptive Fused Silica Substrate
  • Optical Density > 7.0 in Visible Spectrum
  • >98% Visible Reflectivity with No Residual Transmission
  • Damage Threshold > 0.5J/cm2, 20ns, 20Hz @ 532nm
  • Designed for all Polarization States from 0 - 45° AOI

Schwarz Mirrors are engineered to eliminate unwanted transmission from applications requiring highly reflective mirrors. The specialized fused silica substrate features high absorption of visible light, preventing non-reflected illumination from exiting the mirror. The substrates are rated as neutral density filters with optical density of >7.0, attenuating high-power light without sustaining damage. By significantly reducing the intensity of transmitted and scattered light, system setup and design is simplified, as beam dumps, beam blocks, and laser safety shields may no longer be required. Schwarz Mirrors retain the same mechanical and thermal benefits as standard fused silica mirrors and have been coated to provide >98% reflectivity from 400 to 750nm. As such, these mirrors can replace standard fused silica in applications that require control of scattering and crosstalk.


Dia. (mm)  Surface Flatness (P-V)   Coating Specification   Coating  AOI (°)  Thickness (mm)   Compare   Stock Number   Price  Buy
25.00 λ/10 Ravg >98% @ 400 - 750nm (0 - 45°)
Ravg >99% @ 400 - 750nm (0°)
Dielectric Mirror (400-750) 0-45 6.35

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