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Replicated Hollow Metal Retroreflectors

Replicated Hollow Metal Retroreflectors

  • Monolithic Aluminum Construction
  • Return Beam Accuracy Unaffected by Vibration
  • Bare Gold Coated for High Reflectivity in the Infrared
  • Low Profile Versions are Available

Replicated Hollow Metal Retroreflectors feature a monolithic aluminum construction and an integrated mount to provide return beam performance unaffected by vibration. These retroreflectors are coated on their first surface with bare gold, maximizing their reflectivity in the infrared (IR). Designed to have the entirety of their optical path in air, these retroreflectors do not require antireflection coatings for optimal performance and can be used over wider wavelength ranges than glass retroreflectors. Replicated Hollow Metal Retroreflectors are ideal for applications where an optical path through a glass prism is undesired, reduced weight is required, or where high shock and vibration levels are expected. The replication manufacturing process of these optics enables cost-effective designs while providing high performance beam return accuracy.

Common Specifications

Dimensional Tolerance (mm):
Surface Quality:
Image Orientation:
Ray Deviation (°):


Dia. (mm)  Height (mm)   Style   Beam Deviation (arcsec)   Coating   Compare   Stock Number   Price  Buy
12.70 21.68 Standard Profile 5 Bare Gold
12.70 12.80 Low Profile 5 Bare Gold
12.70 12.80 Low Profile 5 Enhanced Aluminum
12.70 21.68 Standard Profile 10 Bare Gold
12.70 12.80 Low Profile 10 Bare Gold
12.70 12.80 Low Profile 10 Enhanced Aluminum
19.10 26.17 Standard Profile 5 Bare Gold
19.10 26.17 Standard Profile 10 Bare Gold
25.40 20.32 Low Profile 2 Bare Gold
25.40 20.32 Low Profile 2 Enhanced Aluminum
25.40 30.66 Standard Profile 5 Bare Gold
25.40 20.32 Low Profile 5 Bare Gold
25.40 20.32 Low Profile 5 Enhanced Aluminum
25.40 30.66 Standard Profile 10 Bare Gold
25.40 20.32 Low Profile 10 Bare Gold
25.40 20.32 Low Profile 10 Enhanced Aluminum
38.10 39.64 Standard Profile 5 Bare Gold
38.10 39.64 Standard Profile 10 Bare Gold

Technical Information

Diameter (mm) Height (mm) Mounting Threads Coating Stock No.

5 Arcseconds 10 Arcseconds
12.7 21.68 10-24 Bare Gold #15-897 #15-898
19.1 26.17 10-24 Bare Gold #15-899 #15-900
25.4 30.66 10-24 Bare Gold #15-901 #15-902
38.1 39.64 10-24 Bare Gold #15-903 #15-904
Replicated Hollow Metal Retroreflectors
Dimension A (mm) Dimension B (mm) Dimension C (mm) Coating Stock No.
2 Arcseconds 5 Arcseconds 10 Arcseconds
12.7 8.63 12.8 Bare Gold N/A #23-854 #23-855
25.4 21.69 20.32 Bare Gold #23-856 #23-857 #23-858
Replicated Hollow Metal Retroreflectors

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