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Pigtailed Laser Diode Modules

  • Single Mode Fiber with FC/PC Connector
  • 1 to 100mW Output Power and 405 to 1550nm Wavelength Options
  • Integrated Driver for Easy Operation

Pigtailed Laser Diode Modules feature an integrated 1m long, single mode fiber with an FC/PC connector. These laser diodes also feature an integrated driver for plug and play operation, only requiring a 5V external power supply (#83-855). Pigtailed Laser Diode Modules are available with VIS and NIR wavelengths ranging from 405 to 1550nm, with output powers ranging from 1 to 100mW. Their plug and play operation make these laser diodes ideal for a wide range of laboratory and OEM applications.

Common Specifications

Type of Laser:
Laser Class - CDRH:
Length of Fiber (m):
Numerical Aperture NA:
Spatial Mode:
Operating Voltage (V):
Power Supply:
Power Supply Required and Sold Separately:
USA: #73-818
Europe: #73-818
Japan: #13-640
Korea: #33-770
China: #73-818
Operating Temperature (°C):
+15 to +30


 Wavelength (nm)   Output Power (mW)   Color   Compare  Stock Number  Price Buy
405.00 1 Violet
405.00 30 Violet
405.00 50 Violet
445.00 15 Blue
445.00 50 Blue
460.00 30 Blue
460.00 50 Blue
480.00 10 Blue
480.00 20 Blue
488.00 10 Blue-Green
488.00 30 Blue-Green
495.00 10 Blue-Green
495.00 20 Blue-Green
505.00 10 Green
505.00 30 Green
520.00 5 Green
520.00 20 Green
520.00 50 Green
633.00 30 Red
633.00 50 Red
635.00 1 Red
635.00 5 Red
635.00 10 Red
635.00 50 Red
635.00 100 Red
658.00 5 Red
658.00 10 Red
658.00 50 Red
658.00 100 Red
670.00 5 Red
685.00 10 Red
685.00 20 Red
785.00 20 Red
785.00 50 Red
808.00 20 NIR
808.00 30 NIR
830.00 5 NIR
830.00 50 NIR
830.00 100 NIR
830.00 100 NIR
850.00 10 NIR
850.00 50 NIR
880.00 1 NIR
905.00 50 NIR
940.00 50 NIR
940.00 100 NIR
976.00 5 NIR
976.00 10 NIR
1,064.00 10 NIR
1,310.00 2 NIR
1,310.00 5 NIR
1,310.00 10 NIR
1,550.00 5 NIR
1,550.00 10 NIR

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