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Optic Component Mounts

Optic Component Mounts

  • Simple Mounting Arrangement
  • Metric and English Configurations
  • Black Anodized Aluminum Construction
  • Posts and Post Holders Required for Mounting

Optic Component Mounts are designed to hold lenses, filters, mirrors, and other optical components. The included retainer ring securely holds the component in place. Optic Component Mounts need the required posts and post holders for mounting to a breadboard. Both English (¼-20) and Metric (M6) standard posts are accepted by the mounts. These mounts are constructed of black anodized aluminum in a simple mounting arrangement.

Common Specifications

Type of Optics:
Black Anodized Aluminum
Compatible Post:
M6 x 1.0, ¼-20


 Outer Diameter (mm)   Size of Compatible Optics (mm)   Max. Thickness of Compatible Optics (mm)   Compare   Stock Number   Price  Buy
30.0 5.0 5.70
30.0 6.0 5.70
30.0 9.0 6.00
30.0 10.0 6.00
35.0 12.0 10.00
35.0 12.7 10.00
35.0 15.0 10.00
40.0 18.0 12.00
40.0 20.0 12.00
45.0 25.0 10.00
45.0 25.4 10.00
45.0 25.4 13.00
50.0 30.0 6.00
50.0 30.0 12.00
60.0 38.1 12.00
60.0 40.0 12.00
70.0 50.0 12.00
70.0 50.0 18.00
70.0 50.8 12.00
100.0 76.2 20.00

Technical Information

Maximum Optic Diameter Clear Aperture (CA) Mount Diameter A B Maximum Optic Thickness T1 Mount Thickness T2 Stock No.
5 4 30 13.5 5.7 12 #64-551
6 5 30 13.5 5.7 12 #64-552
9 6 30 13.5 6 12 #64-553
10 7 30 13.5 6 12 #64-554
12 9 35 16.0 10 16 #64-555
12.7 9.5 35 16.0 10 16 #64-556
15 12 35 16.0 10 16 #64-557
18 15 40 19.0 12 18 #64-558
20 17 40 19.0 12 18 #64-559
25 22 45 21.5 10 16 #64-560
25.4 22 45 21.5 10 16 #64-561
25.4 22 45 21.5 13 19 #65-562
30 26 50 24.0 6 12 #64-563
30 26 50 24.0 12 18 #64-564
38.1 34 60 29.0 12 18 #64-565
40 36 60 29.0 12 18 #64-566
50 46 70 34.0 12 18 #64-567
50 46 70 34.0 18 24 #64-568
50.8 46 70 34.0 12 28 #64-569
76.2 71 100 49 20 26 #64-570


Title CompareStock Number  Price Buy
25.4mm Optic Dia., Fixed Optic Mount, Quick Start Optical Mounts #17-515 A$154.80   Request Quote
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50.0mm Optic Dia., Fixed Optic Mount, Quick Start Optical Mounts #17-516 A$142.40   Request Quote
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