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Hard Coated OD5 Bandpass Filters

Hard Coated OD5 Bandpass Filters

Hard Coated OD5 Bandpass Filters

  • Suitable for Single-Point Fluorescence Detection and Flow Cytometry Applications
  • 52 Distinct Design Wavelengths Covering the NUV – NIR Spectrum
  • >OD5 Average Blocking from 330 – 900nm
  • Mounted for Easy Handling and System Integration

Hard Coated OD5 Bandpass Filters are available in 52 distinct passbands with design wavelengths from 340 to 895nm in step increments of 10-15nm in the NUV, VIS, and NIR. These cost-efficient hard-coated filters feature high transmission (>90%) with full-width half maximum (FWHM) of 20nm, or 30nm in the NIR, for essential optical performance. Hard Coated OD5 Bandpass Filters feature high average blocking >OD5 outside the passband from 330 – 900nm, making them suited for flow cytometry and single-point fluorescence detection, such as photometry and point-scanning. All filters are mounted in 25mm diameter black anodized aluminum rings to facilitate handling and system integration.

Common Specifications

Typical Applications:
Scattered light and point detection (Flow Cytometry), not suitable for imaging, immunophenotyping
Arrow on ring indicates preferred direction of propagation of light.
Diameter (mm):
25.00 ±0.10
Clear Aperture CA (mm):
Mounted in Black Anodized Ring
Substrate Thickness (mm):
2.00 ±0.10
Angle of Incidence (°):
0 ±5
Optical Density OD (Average):
Optical Grade Glass
Hard Coated
Surface Quality:
Cone Half Angle (°):
Mount Thickness (mm):
3.50 ±0.10


CWL (nm) FWHM (nm)  Compare   Stock Number   Price  Buy
340.00 20.00
350.00 20.00
360.00 20.00
370.00 20.00
380.00 20.00
390.00 20.00
400.00 20.00
410.00 20.00
420.00 20.00
430.00 20.00
440.00 20.00
450.00 20.00
460.00 20.00
470.00 20.00
480.00 20.00
490.00 20.00
500.00 20.00
510.00 20.00
520.00 20.00
530.00 20.00
540.00 20.00
550.00 20.00
560.00 20.00
570.00 20.00
580.00 20.00
590.00 20.00
600.00 20.00
610.00 20.00
620.00 20.00
630.00 20.00
640.00 20.00
650.00 20.00
660.00 20.00
670.00 20.00
680.00 20.00
690.00 20.00
700.00 20.00
710.00 20.00
720.00 20.00
730.00 20.00
740.00 20.00
750.00 20.00
765.00 20.00
775.00 30.00
795.00 30.00
805.00 30.00
825.00 30.00
835.00 30.00
855.00 30.00
865.00 30.00
885.00 30.00
895.00 30.00

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